Saturday, December 10, 2011


A view to Cemetery Beach. We found a large patch of chanterelles in the forest here just off the beach...not good eating this time of year though :(

There are few places in the world where agates wash up on to the beach with the surf. The north end of Graham Island is one of them. These were collected on Cemetery Beach...named this because to get there you drive a dirt road through the cemetery.

Thick moss covers the land everwhere here. They say if you get stuck in the wilderness and have    to start a fire, Haida Gwaii is the last place you'd want to'd be hard pressed to find any   dry wood in this country.

The moon has been shining brightly into our bedroom window every night, so on the night of the lunar eclipse we were disappointed to see the sky cloud over...however...the room lit up around 6:30 am and this is what we saw!

Dave returned to the house this morning after leaving for work (it's Saturday but he is on-call).  He wanted his camera so that he could capture this beautiful pink cloud.

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