Wednesday, December 7, 2011


We took a day trip to Port Clements - the area of the "Golden Spruce" that was talked about in a previous blog.
It was misty and foggy, and I guess that helps with pictures, especially when the water is calm.
This looked like a doorway in the tree, with a bell or something just beside the door. What do you think??
This is the area where the Golden Spruce met it's demise. When you look at these Sitka spruce, it's easy to see that they would produce a lot of wood, but it's somehow saddening to think that a tree this large will likely never be seen again. What price progress???
This is more relaxing. Apparently, the weather here is not always so calm, but when it is, then it makes for an awesome photo!
We stopped at the local museum. I presume that there was a surgeon here previously, and he developed a system for quickly finishing his suturing. Right?
Check out the next installment.

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