Wednesday, December 7, 2011


If it takes you as long to read this blog as it took for me to prepare it, then we:re going to be together for a while. I forgot how slow I was at typing and how long it takes to prepare the pictures - not to mention that I don't seem to be able to insert more than 4 or 5 pictures into each blog, so I have to do it in installments. This is going to be a summary of our adventure so far.
We got away from Vancouver on a great day for flying.
The mountains looked great - all covered with snow as we flew above them.
But it didn't take long to feel like I'd been left out in the cold and wet air for too long.
We checked out the hospital where I will be working - looks ok, eh.
Then the sun set, and it was time to go home.
Check out the next installment.

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