Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Next day, I thought I'd try hitchhiking. Not a good idea - check out the guy's thumb that I'm with. Looks like he's been here for a long time, considering the bird guana on his thumb.
So, we headed for a beach - in this case North Beach. Funny what you can find on a beach - like this stem stuck in a bunch of foam. But, at least, the horizon looks good with the mist and big waves on it.

There were lots of eagles. This guy seems to be alone with all of the seagulls, but there were about 10 to 12 other eagles on the rocks in the area.

This is another picture of the Tow Hill area that was shown in a previous blog - looks totally different with the serrated rocks along the shore.

and, here is a more traditional picture of Tow Hill - sort of!!
Check out the next installment.

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