Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Did I mention that it's sunny here - well, up to a few days ago anyway.  Then it got rainy and windy.

Because it was raining in Queen Charlotte City, we decided to drive to Skidegate - BUT, it was raining there, too.  Maybe that's because they are only about 6 kms. apart.  So, it looked like a good day to see the Haida Heritage Centre at K'aay Llnagaay. 

This is part of the Heritage Centre.  There are several more buildings this size, and there is a large museum which explains about the Haida culture

This ceremonial canoe is often seen when there are posters or advertisemants about Haida Gwaii. 

And, what good is a canoe without some paddles?  I'm guessing that different clans have different designs on their paddles, and there were hundreds of these differently designed paddles.

And it was still raining outside, so we continued on with the tour of the museum.  Unfortunately, pictures were not allowed in the museum, but here are a few more totem poles - some outside and some inside.

Next day, we took a short ferry ride to Sandspit.  This is the Salmon statue that stands beside the highway as you enter Sandspit.

When you travel a few kilometers away from Sandspit, there are communities along some of the ocean bays, that look like they are only used in the summer fishing season.  And, even some of these have a totem pole on the front of the building. 

There are some interesting rock formations as you drive along the rainy road!

The sun was able to poke through the clouds briefly as we were traveling back to Skidegate on the ferry - it stayed out long enough to get a good picture.

We were at the front of the ferry, and as the ferry was approaching the wharf we were able to take a picture throught the windshield - it was a couple of days before Christmas, and the shining lights gave it a festive appearance.

This is odd, eh?  What do you think it is called?  If you guessed "Balancing Rock", then you would be right.  This is at low tide - when the tide is in, you can't recognize it! 

Did I mention that it was still rainy and windy?  Luckily we missed the most severe winds - apparently they were measured at 174 kmph on one spot on Haida Gwaii. 

Next day, we were invited for Christmas dinner with some people we had met here.  That's the fun thing about doing what we do - being able to meet people, and spend time with different people.  

But, all things must end sometime, and our time had arrived.  Did I mention that they sometimes get snow here?

The plane was comfortable, and soon we had left Haida Gwaii!

And this guy was in the parking lot when we arrived in Vancouver.  I think it's a good omen!  What about you?

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