Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Well, that was sure scary - they say that Haida Gwaii is at the edge of the world so we must have been over the edge!!  Here it is the 21st century, and we just spent 3 days with no internet connection and no cell phone signal!!

We were able to rent one of these cottages in Tlell (no, that is not a spelling error - it's actually how it is spelled).  It was very cozy.

This was the view from the front window, when the tide came in.  I'm thinking that it would be even more awesome in the summer.

We set out on a hike to a shipwreck.  Here are some more of the Sitka spruce trees along the trail - you can't help but feel overwhelmed when you are walking under them. 

We followed a trail that weaved in and out of the trees.  We thanked Mother Nature for bringing out the sun, and holding off on the rain.  It made the walk really enjoyable.

The hike continued along the Tlell River, which opens on to Hecate Straight on the east side of Haida Gwaii.

We headed out in the morning - it was about a 4 hour hike through the trees and then along the river edge. 

This is the land of the bald eagle - you usually see some wherever you go.  These 2 were keeping an eye on us.

This was our destination - the wreck of the Pesuta.  It was a log carrying ship that ran aground in 1928, and each year a little more of it disappears as the waves pound it. 

There's not much of it left to see, so it was nice that we were able to see some of it.

Later, we walked along another beach, looking for agate.  This is actually quartz, but it looked interesting with the sunlight shining through it.  And, talking about sunshine - there's been sun every day that we have been here.  Where else would you rather be in December??

This pathway looked interesting as it went across the sand dunes and out to the ocean.

Next day we took a hike on the Anvil Trail.  There was a sign warning us not to hike the trail if the wind was blowing.  What do you think they meant by that??

Along the way we met some "fun guys" that were just hanging out on the trees!

There was also a "fun girl" who was enjoying the hike.

Later we drove to Queen Charlotte City, and stopped to look at the "balancing rock" along the way.

And then we arrived in Queen Charlotte City, to spend a few days exploring the area around here.  Keep tuned for future blogs!

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