Friday, December 23, 2011


This beautiful mural is in Massett.

Our house in Massett is on Elm Street...ooooh scary

The snow had come and gone by the time we arrived in Haida Gwaii, but ice on this pond hinted at the colder weather they'd had.

This is another pond on the hwy to Tlell...the little boats caused us to do a double-take.

A beautiful moss drape in the rain forest.

Couldn't resist the temptation to alter the colours in this photo. This is at the Dunes in Tlell.

Amazing varieties of seaweed

Saw this moose on the beach which reenforced our belief that we are somewhere still in Canada.


I found this amazing agate.  Someone told me they are second hardest to diamond.

Is there any medium that Mother Nature has not perfected when it comes to artwork? The view in the photo below is from our B&B in Queen Charlotte City looking out over Hecate Strait.

...and a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

1 comment:

  1. Nice colors on the moss drape. Had cpl hours of snow Christmas morning. Now back to rain although just as dusk looked like snow outside the cove.
    Keep the good photos coming - don't leave without the camera :o)

    Happy New Year
